a. Courtesy on the course
The priority of play will only be applicable on the designated course.

b. Safety
Prior to playing a stroke or making a practice swing, a player should ensure that no one is standing close by or in a position to be hit by the club, the ball, or any stones, pebbles, twigs or the like which may be moved by the stroke or swing.

c. Consideration for other players

The player who has the honour should be allowed to play before his opponent or fellow competitor tees his ball. No one should move, talk or stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.

No player should play until the players in front are out of range.

d. Pace of play

In the interest of all, players should play without delay.

Players searching for a ball should signal the players behind them to pass as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not easily be found. They should not search for five minutes before doing so. They should not continue play until the players following them have passed and are out of range.

When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green.

If a match fails to keep its place on the course and loses more than one clear hole on the players in front, it should invite the match following to pass.

e. Care of the course

i) Holes in bunker: Before leaving a bunker, a player should carefully fill-up and smooth over all holes and footprints made by him.

ii) Replace divots; repair ball-marks and damage by spikes.

iii) Players should ensure that bags are not brought onto the green, and when putting down flagstick no damage is done to the surface.

The hole must not be damaged while retrieving a ball or while handling the flagstick, which must also be properly replaced in the hole before the players leave the putting green.

Through the green, a player should ensure that any turf cut or displaced by him/her, is replaced at once and pressed down and that any damage to putting green made by a ball is carefully repaired. On completion of the hole by all players in the group damage to the putting green caused by golf shoe spikes should be repaired.

iv) Damage through practice swings.

In taking practice swings, particularly on the tees, players should avoid causing damage to the course by removing divots.


i) Boots/shoes with “soft spikes” only are permitted on the course.

ii) Spiked shoes are not permitted in the Club House.

iii) Ladies wearing narrow heeled footwear are not allowed on the Golf links.

iv) Denim jeans are not permitted on the Golf links or Club house premises.

v) Shorts are permitted which are not more than 2 inches above the knees.

vi) Sandals or slippers without back straps are not allowed in the Club house and garden premises. Ladies are exempted from this rule.

vii) Use of cellular phones in the Banquet Hall, Bar room and Bridge room is prohibited.

viii) Children below 10 years of age are not allowed in Banquet Hall, however they may use the TV room.

ix) Household members are not allowed to bring guests to the Club.