a. Permanent Members
Upon completion of 5 years continuous membership, a member may be invited by the Committee for permanent membership of the Club. Recommendation for selection of such members shall be made by the Balloting Committee. An additional payment of 5% of the entrance fee of temporary members prevalent at that time shall be payable by such members. Permanent members of the Club shall pay a monthly subscription as prescribed by the Rule 4(b). To be eligible for permanent membership following criteria shall apply:
“The Committee would consider demonstrable use of the Club as evident by charges accrued from availing of Club services/facilities i.e.: catering, bridge, fitness center and caddies/carts. In addition contributions made towards betterment of the Club or the game of golf may be considered. This is merely to determine the interest, the member has taken in the Club activities”. Additionally, it would be mandatory for the candidate to be in possession of a valid Golfing Handicap.
b. Lady Members
Any lady shall be eligible for election as temporary member in the same manner as that of a gentleman, except that on payment of 50 percent of entrance fees and monthly subscription fees as prescribed by the Rule 4(b). However, if at any time the husband of such lady desires to utilize the sports facilities of the Club, he shall have to apply for temporary membership of the Club in his own right and he may be considered on priority in case membership to the Club is closed at that time. No lady shall be eligible for election for a period of six months, whose husband has been rejected as candidate for membership to the Club. Election of a lady member shall be posted on the notice board of the Club.
c. Temporary Members
Upon election as temporary member, a member shall have all the privileges of a permanent member except that he/she shall not be able to propose or second a candidate for election or vote at any General Meetings and Managing Committee elections or be elected to the Committee, or serve on the Balloting Committee. They shall have no right or claim upon the assets of the Club properties after dissolution. The entrance fee for such members shall be Rs. 3 Million and monthly, subscription as prescribed by the Rule 4(b).
In the case of death of a member as a courtesy to the said member, his widow and children below the age of 30 years may be invited by the Managing Committee to use the Club facilities on payments of usual charges in the same manner as if the member had been alive. Widow shall be exempted from payment of any subscriptions.
All foreigners elected as temporary members shall pay a caution deposit amount of Rs. 25,000/-. Election of such members shall be posted on the Club’s Notice Board.
d. Honorary Members
In exceptional cases the Committee may elect as member, a person of international repute as honorary member of the club without payment of the entrance fee or monthly subscription fees as prescribed in Rule 4(b). The total number of such members shall not exceed 1 percent of the total strength of permanent members and they shall have all the privileges of temporary members and shall be elected in the same manner as temporary members. The notice of such election shall be posted on the notice board. Member’s dependent children coming from abroad on a short visit may be given honorary membership for 8 weeks on payment of relevant charges, as specified by the Managing Committee from time to time.
e. Patron Members
The Committee at its discretion may invite as ex-officio members, the following personages; the President of Pakistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Governor of Sindh, Chief Minister Sindh, President of Pakistan Golf Federation. Such members shall not pay entrance fees or subscription fees. The acceptance of any such invitation shall be posted on the Club’s notice board.
f. Household Members
Member’s Children upto the age of 30 years may be allowed at the discretion of the Committee to use the Clubs facilities and shall be called household members. The monthly subscription for such household members shall be as follows:
(1) For Children between ten to twenty years the monthly subscription shall be Rs. 1,500/- per child. For dependent children between the age of twenty to thirty years the monthly subscription shall be Rs. 2,500/- per child. The wife of a member playing golf shall pay Rs. 1,500/- per month while those not playing golf shall pay Rs. 600/- per month. However, household members from Armed Forces Member’s category shall pay Rs. 600/- per child (10 to 20 years) of age and Rs. 800/- per child (20 to 30 years) of age. The wife of an armed forces member playing golf shall pay Rs. 800/- per month while those not playing golf shall pay Rs. 500/- per month.
(2) Children of members after attaining the age of thirty years who have been household members for five years may apply for temporary membership and the Committee in its discretion may elect out of such candidate as temporary member upon payment of 25 percent of entrance fees prevalent at that time. The children of deceased members shall be given preference.
(3) A household member may be allowed to retain his household status if he has applied for membership till such time his application is finally decided.
g. Corporate Members
Any company of repute shall be eligible for application to the Club to become corporate member. The Directors or officers or ex-officials of such company may become corporate members of the Club upon payment of Rs. 3.5 Million per person. Corporate members shall be treated in the same manner as temporary members and their election procedure and rights shall be identical to that of a temporary member except that the company retains the right to change its nominee five times within a period of fifteen years after which the membership of the company shall lapse. Such members may be given priority for election at the discretion of the Committee. However, if a sponsoring company desires to replace a nominee, the person so affected shall be eligible for election as temporary member in his own right and may be considered out of turn by the Committee. The notice of such election shall be posted on the notice board.
A gentleman/lady who has been a corporate member for 5 years, and has been playing golf and has regularly used Club facilities, may become a temporary member of Karachi Golf Club on payment of full membership fee on retirement from his/her corporation. Any corporate member relinquishing his nomination as corporate member may apply for temporary membership to the Club and will be processed accordingly.
Upon attaining his temporary membership, for consideration of his permanent membership, the Managing Committee shall take into cognizance and add the number of years as corporate member nominee to the number of year as temporary member to comply with Rule 5(a).
Corporate members shall pay all subscription fee as prescribed under Rule 4(b).
h. Armed Forces Member
(1) Serving members of the armed forces shall be eligible for election as temporary members and shall pay no entrance fees. However, they shall pay monthly subscription fees as prescribed under Rule 4(b) but their period of membership is limited to their length of continuous service in Karachi. The notice of such election shall be posted on the notice board of the Club. The Pakistan Navy due to its long association with the Club shall have an added facility in as much the officers of the Navy who seek election as Armed Forces Members shall have to pay monthly subscription as prescribed by the Rule 4(b). On re-transfer to Karachi the membership of serving Naval Officers who were members of Karachi Golf Club before, shall be re-activated.
(2) Number of serving armed forces members is not to exceed 150 with an additional 100 members from among serving Naval Officers.
(3) Temporary armed forces members, who have played regularly at the Club, and/or are settled in Karachi after retirement, would be eligible to become special temporary members on payment of Rs. 50,000/-. After 5 years they would be eligible to become permanent members on payment of 50% of prevalent conversion fee for civilians. They shall be charged monthly subscription as prescribed under Rule 4(b).
(4) The number of such memberships shall be restricted to ten per annum at least 60% of whom shall be ex-Naval Officers.
(5) These members shall not be included in Counting of the total membership of Karachi Golf Club as per Rule 1.
i. Life Members
All Patron-in-Chiefs and Presidents of Karachi Golf Club shall be life members and shall pay no entrance, monthly subscription for their lifetime. They would enjoy the status of Permanent Members.
j. Veteran Members
Any member after attaining the age of 60 years and having been a continuous member for 08 years shall qualify to veteran member subscription and shall thereafter pay monthly subscription as prescribed by the Rule 4(b). This status shall be awarded on their sixtieth birthday.
k. Senior Veteran Members
Members over seventy years of age and having 20 years of membership shall pay monthly subscription as prescribed in Rule 4(b). A member of 50 years standing will pay 50% of all charges levied by the Club, including but not limited to, Golf Carts, Fitness Centre, Driving Range and Monthly Subscription etc.
l. Diplomats
Accredited career diplomats may become members of Karachi Golf Club on a joining fee of US$ 1,000/- (equivalent in Pakistan Rupees) for a period of one year; spouses may also use the Club during this period. If membership is renewed beyond 2 years, then the rate shall be enhanced to US$ 1,500/- per year.
Diplomats shall pay monthly subscription as prescribed in the Rule 4(b).
m. Security and Identification.
In the interest of security and for identification all cadres of membership shall be provided identity cards.
Members from any affiliated club and spouses or children of outstation members not resident in Karachi, who are not in default, on production of introduction letters shall be allowed utilization of the Club facilities (Max 04 days in a month) and pay green fees in the amount fixed by the committee from time to time. The payment shall be in advance and in cash to the Club and Caddy and bar usage is to be paid by coupons purchased from the Green fee counter. The name of the affiliated club shall be entered in the register provided for this purpose in the Club. The same applies to persons affiliated to the Pakistan Golf Federation. However, Executive Committee Members of the Pakistan Golf Federation & Sindh Golf Association are exempt from all fees.
(1) Members may introduce guests into the Club on payment of green fees prescribed by the Committee from time to time. The name of the guest shall be entered in the guest book maintained for such purpose.
(2) Any person reaching the Club house without being accompanied by a member shall restrict his presence to the confines of the club house and shall inform the staff the member’s name whom they are awaiting and shall in no circumstances venture onto the golf course.
(3) No person who is a non-member either directly or indirectly will entertain guest/guests at the Club.
(4) As provided in the rules the club premises are strictly reserved for use of members.
(5) Member is responsible that his guest(s) conform to rules & regulation of the Club.
(1) Members leaving Pakistan to live abroad for more than one year shall inform the Chief Operating Officer/Secretary of their intention to become absent member. They shall provide their address and contact numbers abroad and intimate billing address during their stay abroad.
Such members shall be liable to pay a subscription of US Dollar 315/- (Equivalent in Pakistan Rupees) per year as absentee fee after satisfying the Managing Committee of their eligibility to avail this status. On temporary visit to Pakistan, any use of the Club in any calendar month shall be billed as per the use for the entire months. The Club reserves the right to charge full fees from any members whose bonafide of being absentee are doubtful.
(2) Members immigrating from Pakistan shall be entitled to compound their monthly subscription for life on making a lump sum payment equivalent to ten years monthly subscription; provided that they have first cleared all their dues before exercising their option. Members must satisfy the Committee through, documentary evidence to be eligible for this status. After migration if they return for periods not in excess of thirty days in a calendar year they may inform the Secretary in writing of their intentions and shall have to pay the full monthly subscription during their stay in Pakistan as per the category of membership they belonged to before immigrating.
Karachi Golf Club started as an affiliate of Sindh Club in 1888 and was registered as an independent Club in 1891 on pattern of Bombay Golf Club. The first Club house resembled a wooden shack and was located where the Plaza Hotel stood on E. I. Lines near the present Cantonment, Railway Station.
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